Couples Counseling can help you positively address differences in: expectations, conflict management and consensus building styles, intimacy needs, work-life-balance and shared finance goals, extended family interactions, issues related to chronic care, and so much more.

Highly beneficial at all stages of romance, making a “Relationship Inventory” is especially recommended for new life-partners and newlyweds (according to clergy and family-law attorneys alike).

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10 tips on How to Build a Lasting Relationship from the “Einstein of Love” (widely acknowledged as the first person to successfully predict with 90% accuracy whether a partnership will last beyond a few years).

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Assess your relationship from the comfort of your home (or WiFi safe spot). The Gottman Check-Up helps you and your romantic partner to identify Relationship strengths and stressors.

Contact us to Learn More.

Moving in together, co-parenting, engaged, or living in loving partnership? Positively sustain your relationship beyond “the honeymoon phase” with a strong foundation and dedicate 3 - 6 sessions in Premarital Counseling!

Marathon Couples Therapy

Private, single-day sessions provide couples with a highly focused approach for effectively moving through issues in a shorter period of time.

A great option for couples with challenging schedules or for those traveling long-distances. Contact Dr. Mikinski

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How far would You go, or what would You do, to improve your romantic relationship? Would you recognize when it needed revitalizing or CPR … Want to be better at talking with your partner about perpetual issues like money, sex, and in-laws (without damaging arguments and gridlock)? Let’s Talk.

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Help keep your love fresh as priorities shift from dates to diapers. Experience for yourself the down-to-earth ways your relationship can thrive. Easy to accomplish, research-based and, if each parent is willing, will enhance life for everyone in the family.